It’s to no surprise that technology evolves towards satisfying our human need for simplistic use, interaction, and communication. Nowadays there are numerous ways for us to communicate across the globe with just a flick of our thumb. With that being said, the focus on how websites are built will also evolve in order to satisfy the same human need for UI/UX, and communication. Here are 10 new website ideas while we head into 2022. 


While browsing through websites it’s clear to see that they all differ in content, visuals, messaging, and the list goes on. There may even be different information that is displayed based on your latest location, browsing history, or even your most frequent purchases.  

Websites that contain dynamic content are known for having great engagement and high conversions. Based on analytics, this most likely means that it may be a hot trend moving forward into the new year. 


As popular and important as SEO is, we all know that voice commands work! Many of us who have a cell phone have some sort of voice command options (Alexa, Siri, Cortana, Google, and others…) to help us research, find the closest coffee shop, find the cheapest gas station, and even create our next shopping list. The most logical next step is to implement this technology into a website.  

For example, why not add a custom long-tail keyword or phrase within your business content that is based on how people speak rather than how they type. For example, “Where is the closest dry cleaners to my location?” vs. “cleaners near me”.  


Very similar to the voice optimization category, accessibility will be the next big thing. As web designers continue to enhance the UI/UX throughout each page, the page navigation options will become far more advanced than they currently are.  

These same designers will be able to customize page features that do not rely on keyboard functions, but rather use voice commands, virtual reality, augmented reality, and more. 


As time moves forward within the web and design world, the trends have started to move towards a more simplistic and elegant look and feel. With the coming year right around the corner, it is safe to say that the white space strategy has become the new norm.   


Dark mode is taking over screens across the globe. Not only does it feel like you gave your phone and applications a face lift, but it offers a fresh look opposed to the traditional colors and layout. The dark mode design also helps with eye strain for users and can highlight content and visuals easier. 


Do you know the percentage of people accessing your website through their mobile devices? 53%! Smartphones and tablets are taking over, and this information is vital to the web design community. The designing mobile-first mentality is a no-brainer. This focus is important to the structure and layout of upcoming websites.  


Dynamic scrolling means that your featured content is all contained within one page, vs having to access another page for the continued content. This is a great feature to be able to minimize any friction users may feel while browsing the site. 


Interactive is the new sliced bread, people cannot get enough of it. Whether it is used in a poll, a quiz, an online calculator, or any other type of tool, your users will become even more attracted to the website. This feature adds relevant, exquisite, and valuable interactive content for your audience. This will definitely become a part of the web design process for years to come. 


Patience is something that is diminishing within our society, we want everything now. About 20 years ago, we would have no problem for a website to load after 30 seconds. Now we want to pull our hair out if we must wait more than 5 seconds. Anything past 5 seconds will increase the bounce rate for a website. The recommended load time for a website should be around 2.4 seconds. This is something to think about while building and developing a new site. 


Staying relevant within your local community is crucial for many businesses. As 2022 comes around, it is recommended to have a strong local SEO. Any content and SEO keywords and phrases should have modifiers such as, “near me”, and “close by”. This will help with your local user’s Google searches tremendously.  



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