
digital marketing
SEO Packages Breakdown    Our SEO (Search Engine Optimization) packages are designed to fit your exact needs, with specialists dedicated to improving your organic search results. We provide cutting edge tools that help us gain tangible metrics on how your site is performing, and next steps for optimization strategies. Both of our SEO packages include fundamentals...
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The Ultimate Matchmaker in CTV PMC Matched is a proprietary system that uses AI to score consumers in nearly every U.S. household based on their shopping behavior, recent life events, and most relevant interests — then predicts what they’ll want to buy next. It powers the world’s first keyword-based audience builder for CTV, which lets...
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SEM Campaigns | Phone with text overtop image for Maximizing SEM Campaigns with Effective Landing Pages | PMC Media Group - SEM Digital Marketing Services
Launching a brand new website is an exciting endeavor, but without effective promotion and visibility, it can be challenging to attract the right audience. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) offers a strategic approach to quickly drive traffic to your new site and generate initial traction. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how SEM campaigns can be...
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In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, the ability to deliver targeted, relevant ads to potential customers can make all the difference between success and obscurity. At PMC Media Group, we understand the importance of leveraging every available tool and technique to connect with audiences in meaningful ways and drive results for our clients. One...
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The Power of Extremely Targeted Audience Segments in Performance Media | PMC Performance Media Services | Digital Marketing Services | PMC Media Group
In the realm of digital marketing, precision and efficiency are key to driving successful campaigns and achieving high conversion rates. One powerful strategy that exemplifies this approach is leveraging extremely targeted audience segments through performance media. By honing in on specific demographics, interests, or behaviors, marketers can optimize their efforts to reach the most receptive...
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2023: The Year of Short-Form Video Content
In this article we'll explain why you should take advantage of this rapidly rising trend and how your business can do so successfully!
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7 Reasons Why You Should Have Video on Your Website
In the last five years, video has become part of our daily online life. So if you're not already utilizing it in your business strategy – now's your chance!
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Phone Illustration
Asking your customers for feedback and testimonials is something that today's businesses can do to get an edge over their competition.
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Stars with text on turquoise background
If you're reading this, it's likely because you understand how crucial Google reviews are for any local business.
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Graphic of man giving Google Review
Amazon reviews are always one of the first things that I check before hit “add to cart.” If an item has five stars based on 1,000 reviews, then it lends a lot more credibility to the product and makes me much more likely to buy it.
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